On 2020-12-02 14:44, Tim Cross wrote:

I could be completely wrong here, but I suspect this is a combination
of the evolving markdown spec (or more specifically, no one standard
spec) and the age of the org mode markdown exporter.

FWIW, it sort of feels that way to me, too.

One of the challenges with markdown is that there has never been one
universally accepted spec.

Yes, I am aware of the history.  And this is one of my main criticisms
of Markdown, and why I prefer Orgmode (by a wide margin).  In fact I
agree (strongly) with Karl Voit's article "Org-Mode Is One of the Most
Reasonable Markup Languages to Use for Text."[0]

It might be worth looking in the archive. I seem to recall other
discussions along these lines some months back. My flawed memory seems
to recall that it was probably time for org's markdown exporter to be
updated to fit with the more 'common' markdown standard, but I don't
recall which that was or whether anyone decided to take that
responsibility on.

Thanks, I'll have a look.  I was also sort of getting the sense that
updating the Markdown exporter might be the answer, hence me starting
this thread.

Org already has two markdown flavors - 'generic' markdown and github
flavoured markdown. Org's current markdown is based on
http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown, which probably varies
enough from the one used by sourcehut to cause the problems you are

I think the problem is actually because Sourcehut are sanitizing the id
attribute out of links, as I have replied already to some other people
in this thread.

Unfortunately, this fails to provide a clear path to fix your problem.

Yeah, this is like (at least) my second day into this now.  :)  Which is
why I paused to seek more counsel on the best way forward.  As there
seem to be no good/clear (or at least, easy) answers.

Thanks for the input.


[0] https://karl-voit.at/2017/09/23/orgmode-as-markup-only/

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