An update!

I am very pleased to announce, that my campaign took me only a little
less than 2 weeks to achieve success!  :)

And so, from now on, not only myself but /everyone/ who prefer writing
in .org instead of .md now have a clear path to nice looking rendered
HTML which is on par with the default .md at Sourcehut![0]

This was the only real gripe I had with that platform, as I generally
love what Drew is trying to do over there and I really wanted to
continue my support and participation.  And now I can!

The main issue was that in-page links, generated by exporting .org ->
.md, and then getting processed by Sourcehut's HTML renderer were
getting broken in the process.  However now they are working, as can now
be seen for example at README of one of my projects:

Please feel free to go there and click in-page links!  In fact I cannot
remember the last time I got so much enjoyment from something so simple
as clicking on a working in-page link!  :D

Just to re-cap, I had taken a 2 pronged approach.  First was on
mailing list[1] about trying to fix the id sanitation in anchor links.
After some discussion and a couple patches, this approach is now live
and working.

However, simultaneously, I had also been pursuing a Pandoc based
solution (which, amazingly, was /also/ broken, but for a different
reason).  This second approach has now also bourne fruit in the form of
a patch and a workaround, and eventually should also become fully

I include both here for the benefit of anyone who comes searching along

Special thanks to Tim Cross for helping me get the exact issue nailed
down in my head so I could go forth onto other mailing lists and fora
and explain the issue with clarity.

It really feels great to make some small contribution back to the larger
Orgmode ecosystem which has given me so much.



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