>>> "CM" == Charles Millar <mill...@verizon.net> writes:

   > On 3/15/21 10:13 AM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
   >>> Hi,
   >>> On 3/14/21 1:00 PM, TRS-80 wrote:
   >>> You may have to escape the pipes. I did that in a similar capture 
   >> Can you give me an example, please?

   > HTH

   > ("s" "timeslip" table-line
   > (file "/mnt/Data/ActiveFiles/timeslips.org")
   >                      "\| %(org-read-date)\| %^{FileName} %i\|
   >                      %^{Narrative} %i\| %^{Time} %i\| %^{Expense} %i"

There is a ) missing, no?

I tried 

("s" "timeslip" table-line
(file "/home/oub/timeslips.org")
                  "\| \| %fromname\|
                  :%subject\| %a \| %:date")

But I obtain bad template when executing the code

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