> On 3/16/21 3:34 AM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
   > I'm running org 9.4.4 and emacs 28.0.50, (both from source) on Debian
   > testing. According to my notes in my init file I created the template
   > in early July 2011, modified it slightly two years later. I do not
   > recall any problems with it.

   > Just to  make sure that there is no problem with the timeslips
   > template, at least on my system, I commented out all of the capture
   > templates before and after the timeslips template and reloaded my init
   > file. I ran org-capture (bound to C-cm). The timeslips came up in the
   > dispatcher and it ran OK.

   > I notice that I was off by a key and typed periods and not semicolons
   > in the two lines "some capture templates," and, "some more capture
   > templates."

I commented out all my templates

So the only entry is 

                ("s" "timeslip" table-line
             (file "/home/oub/timeslips.org")
       ;;           (file "d:/ActiveFiles/timeslips.org")
                  "\| %(org-read-date)\| %^{FileName} %i\|
                  %^{Narrative} %i\| %^{Time} %i\| %^{Expense} %i"

Timeslips.org is empty.

I mark a line in my org-init file and fire up org-capture using your
template, I insert as file name org-init, 
narrative I insert blabla 
time I insert 10:00
Expense I insert 10

And I obtain 

| Bad template 

What do I miss here?



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