> On 3/15/21 5:00 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:
   > My bad; I did not pay attention to a four line comment, so here it is
   > again, with the comment and final line for the template, etc.

   > (setq org-capture-template '(

   > . . . some capture templates

   >                 ("s" "timeslip" table-line
   >                 (file "/mnt/Data/ActiveFiles/timeslips.org")
   >        ;;              (file "d:/ActiveFiles/timeslips.org")
   >                      "\| %(org-read-date)\| %^{FileName} %i\|
   >                      %^{Narrative} %i\| %^{Time} %i\| %^{Expense} %i"

   > ;; Note that there is no escape and pipe after the final content input
   >    expansion
   > ;; if there were a \| then an empty column is added
   > ;; (org-read-date) added 2013-07-12; see Sacha Chua's use of same as in
   > ;; the ledger templates below.
   >                  :empty-lines 1)

   > , , , some more capture templates

   > ))

I still obtain 

| Bad template 

Even copying your code without any modifications! I am running org

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