Hi all:

Max Nikulin writes:

> Please, forgive my ignorance of Shakespeare's poetry.
> On 17/09/2021 17:05, Marco Wahl wrote:
>>> On 17/09/2021 04:40, Stefan Kangas wrote:
>>>> Please find attached another clean-up patch that fixes a small
>>>> number of typos. > > Thou shall not change "memeory" to "memory" tho
> I think, a bit more is required to avoid recurring attempts to change
> spelling if you would like to see such variant. Static code analyzers 
> usually have a feature that allows to ignore specific warning at a
> particular line, see e.g. 
> https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/violations.html#in-line-ignoring-errors
> for Python's flake8.
> Maybe "LocalWords:" could do a similar trick for ispell.el at least
> for the whole file. Unsure if it is possible to add an exception for
> the quote only.
> However there is namely "memory" in the "1609 Quarto", see e.g.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonnet_1 Web pages with the same variant 
> as in the Org manual do not mention the source (particular edition). I
> hope, I just do not know what is considered as the canonical variant
> for not so old language.

I am not an expert on Shakespeare's poetry either, but as the author of
the patch where Sonnet 1 is included, I can say that 'memeory' is a typo
(sorry). At least I didn't use that word intentionally. I don't know if
there is any textual variant 'memeory', but in my case it is nothing
more than a simple typo :-).

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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