Max Nikulin <> writes:

> On 23/09/2021 03:18, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
>> Max Nikulin writes:
>>> However there is namely "memory" in the "1609 Quarto", see e.g.
>>> Web pages with the same variant
>>> as in the Org manual do not mention the source (particular edition). I
>>> hope, I just do not know what is considered as the canonical variant
>>> for not so old language.
>> I am not an expert on Shakespeare's poetry either, but as the author of
>> the patch where Sonnet 1 is included, I can say that 'memeory' is a typo
>> (sorry). At least I didn't use that word intentionally. I don't know if
>> there is any textual variant 'memeory', but in my case it is nothing
>> more than a simple typo :-).
> Then "mught" should be another typo.
> "His tender heire might beare his memory:" - 1609 Quatro

I think "Quatro" is another typo and should be "Quarto" (unless there
is a typo in the date and it is a line from little-know song by Suzi ...)

> "His tender heir might bear his memory:" - Wikipedia citing Shakespeare,
> William. Duncan-Jones, Katherine. Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Bloomsbury Arden
> 2010. p. 113 ISBN 9781408017975
> "His tender heir mught bear his memeory:" - some web pages and Org manual.
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