Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> But is not necessary (and further complicates the issue of support
> $...$ in org as recently discussed on this list) as you can simply
> type \(n\)-th?

What you call "not necessary", I call a game changer.  As of now, one
has to mix and match $$ and \(\) based on the context (such as "-th").
It makes mathematical writing in both harder to /read/ and harder to
/change/.  Consider:

Let $r_i$ denote the \(i\)-th rotation of $t$ with a suffix of $\ell|t|$
characters deleted, for […]

Me, if I could, I would pay money for this feature, for it would allow
me to use $$ consistently, focusing on mathematics instead of markup
idiosyncrasies of "rotation $i$" versus "\(i\)-th rotation".

Further, \(\) brings 100% more characters than $$, resulting in more
noise in the sentence.

"Thinking is a momentary dismissal of irrelevancies."
-- Richard Buckminster Fuller, 1969

Rudolf Adamkovič <> [he/him]
Studenohorská 25
84103 Bratislava

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