Hi Max,

> There is no point to discuss deprecation of $…$ and ... while usage of
> such constructs is not discouraged by the org manual

Isn’t the point of discussing depreciation now that we’d change the manual etc.
to discourage it? 😛

FWIW, I have an extra 2c to add: I think that there’s a danger in having $…$
/almost/ behave like LaTeX, as the closer it is the more surprising the edge 
are, and due to the nature of Org there will /always/ be a collection of edge
cases with $…$. By comparison, \(…\) has much less ’surprising’ behaviour.

>> If we do deprecate support for $…$, it might also be a good idea to
>> see if we can add a utility function which would make it easier for
>> people to migrate existing documents to the new/alternative syntax. For
>> the same reason it is hard to reliably parse $…$ syntax, we probably
>> can’t automate that transition, but we should be able to reduce the effort
>> required to update existing documents.

Tim, as mentioned before I’m strongly in favour of a ~half decade transition
including utility functions to shift existing TeX constructs to LaTeX, and
adding warnings, well before dropping support.

All the best,

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