Hi Samuel:

> On Jun 24, 2022, at 12:32 AM, Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi robert, welcome to the org list and thanks for your offer.
> for starters, does hyperbole have any concept of links that are:
> - unbreakable [like org-id]

This one is not so simple to answer.  Hyperbole only uses perma-hyperlink 
anchors in its Koutliner format.  But it would be straightforward to add a 
UUID-type id for use elsewhere.
> - bidirectional [link a goes to link b; link b goes to link a], or,
> reversible via command to say "what links here?" [by any mechanism.
> if desired, please see "id markers" concept on this list for
> unbreakable bidirectional links and more stuff]

Hyperbole does not have bi-directional links, only a history function to move 
back through followed node paths.  We have started thinking about this need 

— rsw

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