On October 4, 2022 6:05:58 PM UTC, David Masterson 
>One major use-case for Org is capturing a task quickly.  This can be
>done with Org or Mobile-Org (BeOrg, Orgzly).  One feature not easily
>available is attaching images to the task to better explain the task.
>Thoughts on this?

There are many ways of capturing elementary objects. Org Capture is one way as 
it's connection between Emacs and outside programs or Emacs and Emacs.

With or without Org or Emacs computer users should be able to capture any 
pieces of information and it's references in any type of a system.

For me personally I use PostgreSQL database and have finely grained types of 
objects, so I can relate anything to anything, then export to Org or package 
with any kind of connected objects, not only Org.

The way to go for Org users is to make a function that first takes specific 
files and then captures the rest. Then files are to be used as properties or 
links in subheading.

That is what I don't like as too many properties and markup is really 
disturbing. I keep it invisible.

Design of such system shall be that each elementary object has our get it's 
really unique reference, possibly across networks and world, then that it gets 
it's type of relation, and it's value such as file. The file is object too, 
must have it's references.

Relation could be just RELATED, but it could be, CONTRACT or DISREGARD, as one 
shall know why are some other objects attached.

Relating objects is most important in information management.


What you and many others really want is relational database. I see no problem 
to connect Org to such. You can have just one property like ID or embedded not 
presentable link and all other properties related through one, by principles of 
the relational database.

I often use preprocessing markup tags that interpolate to anything, like Org 
markup or any other. That way I can add just anything to Org or any other text. 
Like bunch of files or links, without using specific mode.

Feature I use mostly to inject single objects into bunch of files, even 
thousands of files. When I edit such single object, other files automatically 
interpolate the contents of such object.

Imagine company address appearing on thousands of related pages and over 
different domains, editing phone number changes it anywhere.

Imagine that link name changes each in na while like those links showing 
specific but dynamic market price, when price is changed all documents get the 
new link name without files being edited or modified.

When you have single object ID then adding files to it can be handled outside 
the single Org file. Imagine an Org ID as universal hyperlink to other objects. 
Let us say, properties in other file like "attachment" and list of files in 
that other file.

It is up to Org designers to better adopt the idea of decentralization of 
properties, tags, etc. One can't put all the messy looking stuff in text file, 
it's not text any more, it looks like garbage on the screen.

Moving more to the extreme then anything can be separated from Org and written 
in plethora of other modes, markups and then presented in the Org simple way 
for clarity and better understanding to final user.


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