Hey Robert. Thanks for coming here to offer to clarify any doubts people
have regarding Hyperbole.

I haven't been interacting with the thread, but I've been lurking about
and I've tried Hyperbole in the past, but couldn't precisely figure out
its use case in my particular workflow, so I gave up on it.

Now, according to your description, the main feature of Hyperbole looks
a lot like what Embark [1] does sort of the same thing, albeit in
different contexts, complexity (not a bad thing) and workflow. Would you
be able to compare them? I think it would help me understand where
exactly Hyperbole fits, and what is the problem it tries to solve.

[1] https://github.com/oantolin/embark

Best regards,

João Pedro de A. Paula
IT undergraduate at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

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