Hi Tim:

Great to see you working with Org and Hyperbole together.  It is funny you
mention a dashboard as that is the main next feature we are working on for
Hyperbole.  Presently, there is a 'personal button file' that serves as
your launch pad for any commonly used hyperbuttons, accessed with {C-h h b
p}.  There is a similar per directory file, {C-h h b d}, any of which can
be Org files or any format you prefer.  To augment the personal file, we
plan on adding a quick access menu to search, jump to and edit your
personal, commonly used Hyperbole, Emacs and Org constructs that would
serve as a dashboard, bringing together a lot of the hyper capabilities
distributed throughout Emacs, including all categories of Hyperbole
buttons, Org files, bookmarks, URLs, agenda items, notes, todos, etc. And
each type will be customizable so you can use your favorite feature whether
from Org, Hyperbole or another package.  It is in early development now, so
feel free to mention any wishlist items.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 2:44 AM Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> welcome to the list.
> I find hyperbole very interesting and am trying it out now. I can see a
> few areas where I think it may augment my current org based workflows
> and development tasks.
> One thing I will be looking at is how well hyperbole works with an
> evil-mode based configuration. Probably no big effect with regards to
> basic links and things like the interesting roladex type system, but may
> be relevant with regards to koutline.
> At this stage, I'm thinking hyperbole might be good as a basic
> 'dashboard' type startup screen which makes selecting projects or Emacs
> based apps (like this mu4e environment) easy to select. I likely won't
> take advantage of the window/frame management stuff as I now tend to
> work mainly with emacs tabs - I rarely even split windows anymore and
> now tend to just have one big frame with many tabs or tab groups.
> It will be interesting to see if there are areas where org mode and
> hyperbole may further enhance each other. I see them as having good
> collaboration potential rather than as competing/conflicting systems.

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