i use git version, not elpa, so for me, mailing list could tip me off
as early as possible, but not too early, if it said in email subject
header line that in a known upcoming release, it has been decided that
a specified emacs version will no longer be supported [note: i presume
and hope this would not occur in just a plain git update for such a
thing but would get a release that gets noted in email and get that
advance notice],

then upon seeig such email i can stop pulling from git until i am able
to upgrade emacs.  [lots of stuff takes lots and lots of time for me
in my case]  idk if practical, but just saying what seems like it
would be useful to me.

i would then stay at  something reasonably close to the first release
that does not support that version fo emacs.

On 6/30/22, Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> writes:
>> idk about others, but as a luddite follower of bugfix/maint, if
>> poissible and not too annoying to do, i would be interested in
>> knowing, at the email subject header level, that the upcoming
>> bugfix/maint release [state org version number] will not support <=
>> [state emacs version number] so that i can prepare at my glacial
>> luddite pace.  this is probably already done, but making it prominent
>> beforehand might help signal the need for changes with lots of time or
>> simplify git stuff [e.g. pull soon as the last pull and make a note
>> not to pull after that, which prevents the need for figuring out
>> rebasing again].
> org.el contains the following:
> ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
> So, if you install Org from ELPA using built-in Emacs package manager,
> Org will fail to install on older Emacs versions (AFAIU). I am not sure
> if package.el if going to fall back to earlier Org version though.
> In addition, we might also announce the oldest supported Emacs version
> in https://orgmode.org/Changes.html. Either manually, or as a part of
> some automated release script. Bastien, WDYT?
> Best,
> Ihor

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