Robert Weiner <> writes:

> Thanks, Jean.  We have started work on a note-taking subsystem for
> Hyperbole that will store UUIDs per note and will likely support backlinks
> too.  We are seeing if we can make it support Koutlines, Emacs Outlines,
> Org mode files and Markdown files, searching across all formats at the same
> time.  The default for creating new notes will likely be a personal
> Koutline file.

Not Jean, but as someone using Org with Hyperbole, this is a great news!

> We welcome brief summaries of features you need for effective note taking
> in Emacs.  We are not looking to do much with images or on mobile devices,
> just focused on people who spend a lot of time in Emacs and want an
> easy-to-use notes system that does not require any external packages like
> SQLite.

For my 2c:

- Multiple small files vs single large file.
  I currently have former, with org-roam taking care of finding, linking
  and backlinking between files, making it a non-issue to easily build a
  network of connected topics/thoughts

- Daily notes
  Every day gets its own note, only generated if visited. This allows
  dumping the thoughts at that moment rather than first hunting the
  correct node. Then they can be easily filtered into actual topic note,
  or just be referenced via backlinks buffer

- sqlite might just be better, considering overhead of opening and
  parsing hundreds-thousands of small files is non-negligible.

- Refiling
  Refile/move the subtree (in Org terms) can be easily moved to another
  file and the links automatically point to new location. This means I
  can always know rearranging stuff later is a possibility, and its less
  cognitive burden to organize.

In short, the framework takes care of organization and makes retrieval
easy and all I have to worry about is the content.



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