hi max, thanks.

more below.

On 10/14/22, Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Samuel, I assume that you are quite happy with org-capture Firefox
> extension.

yes i rely on it and adore it.

although i always fear it breaking or silently failing, as i have
emacs in the bg behind ff when i run it and do not want to do more
mousing and inspecting to find out if worked each time.

i think last time it broke was some kind of mime stuff.  i know it
also has glitches of some kind but forgot what they were.
e.g. something about it not having enough of a firefox api to
distinguish whether you have changed tabs or some such.  but i ahve
not noticed any issues latelyu.  but then i do not look for them.

> Have you managed to setup capturing text from other applications? From
> my point of view all necessary moving parts have been discussed in this
> or later threads. Have you assembled them to a working solution suitable
> for you?

no, oi have not yet.  for unrelated reasons, it takes me a lot of time
to do things.

the most critical application to catpreu from is firefox itself for
which i have above org capture extension.

it looks like i can do:

> - Window manager menu item and shortcut calling
>    emacsclient --eval '(org-capture nil "c")'

this as an item in .fluxbox/menu, for non-emacs apps.

> - Capture template that fetches X PRIMARY_SELECTION or CLIPBOARD.

with a capture template that has percents for th3ese or so?

[n.b. i  still have a mysterious capture bug where it puts newlines
above capturd entries. could be me, or version issue, or both.]

btw on occasion i wnt to capture from emacs using mouse only, but not
all modes have mouse context menu.

i am always either using keybaord or using mouse never both.  emacs
would be second application for capturing via mouse.

other applications are pdf displayers, deluge, urxvt, console.  other
stuff is rare.

> - Optionally try to get formatted text and convert it from HTML to Org
> using pandoc.

which is intruiguing but i will keep my expectations and needs and
priority low here but would want this to be using firefox cli/emacs
api or .mozilla files rather than e.g. a curl call for privacy.  i
will assume not doing this but curious about it.

> - Perhaps try to get window title of the active application.

interesting!  perhaps org-capture could run lisp to call one of those
xdo type tools or so.  it would take a bit ot of me to do.

> What I have not tried yet is if drag&drop API may provide more details
> than X selection, but I am unsure if such workflow is suitable for you.

intresting idea re details.  however, drag and drop per se is
impossible for me among apps as i always maximize and it irritates me
so much within that i trid to turn off due to the effects of mistaken
mouse movements or slwo machine.

> Probably it is better to discuss code in the context of particular
> applications. Despite you wish a general approach, amount of information
> exposed by applications may vary. Some code may depend on Emacs version

good point.  i'm assuming a little tweaking here and there might be
usful where possible for url/title or equivalent or any other stuff.
huh, gathering such might make a nce package if anybody had the same
idea and wanted to do it.  maybe spookfox will get more development
and include some features like this.  or the above.  merely

one of th reasons i suggestd this anywhere in x idea was to act as a
fallback should org-capture break.

> an I am unsure which one you are using currently.

old as the hills.  hoping to try if poss to upgrade over next few
months/years to 26 27 28+.

[perhaps one day i will natively compile! i have super-modern lexical
binding and don't use (` bq.  :)  oh and although i realy like
ido/ido-hacks/id-clever-match very much i sort of eye embark and its
inter-operable gang.  someday in the futre.]

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