i have the daemon and the binary but notify-send "summary" "text"
seems to do nothing obvious.  called from shell mode.  my emacs is
maximized.  so is firefox.

On 10/25/22, Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 26/10/2022 12:05, Samuel Wales wrote:
>>> You may hook notifications-notify to org-capture-after-finalize-hook to
>>> see notification when the capture is successful.
>> sounds like it
>> could be reassuring if it is not obtrusive.
> Try the following command to get impression
>      notify-send "summary" "text"
> Since you are using fluxbox, likely you need to add some daemon to
> autostart (unless the package has an /etc/xdg/autostart entry active for
> fluxbox)
>      apt-cache search notification-daemon
> As a KDE user I can not suggest particular one. Perhaps
> notification-daemon package is enough.
> It is better to protect "&<>" characters as HTML entities "&amp;" etc.
> since the spec allows some basic formatting and active links.

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