Samuel Wales <> writes:

> perhaps some fuction in org-capture-before-finalize-hook could raise
> emacs for a tiny period of time or something, in the case that it is
> invoked when emacs is not visible. if so, and idk if poss, i would
> have to try it to find out if it wfm.
> then i wouldn't hafe to keep trying notification tools ad try to get
> them to have sufficient fonts colors sizes etc. and work.  :)

I use the following code to raise helm frames:

*** Run/search menu via Emacs helm
 #launcher #runner
Inspired by [[id:Mattduckemacs_as_fuzzy_launc_and_alfred_replac6c6][[Mattduck] 
Emacs as a fuzzy launcher and Alfred-replacement]]
#+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/emacs-helm-menu :shebang #!/bin/bash
if [[ "$(getactvwindclass)" == "emacs.Emacs" ]]; then
    # Relies on my key bindings
    xdotool key --clearmodifiers --delay 60 alt+l e h;
    # release any pressed modifiers
    xdotool keyup super alt ctrl shift
    emacsclient -c --frame-parameters="((title . \"Helm frame\") (unsplittable 
. t))" -e "(let ((inhibit-message t) (helm-full-frame t) 
(helm-use-undecorated-frame-option nil)) (catch :quit 
(yant/helm-org-ql-agenda-files nil) (when (= 0 helm-exit-status) (let ((fr 
(selected-frame))) (make-frame) (delete-frame fr))) (unless (= 0 
helm-exit-status) (user-error \"%s\" \"Exit frame\"))))";

You may be interesteed in the --frame-parameters argument to
emacsclient. Similar alist can be passed to `make-frame' from Elisp.
You can refer to 30.4.3 Window Frame Parameters section of Elisp manual.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <>.
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