more below.

On 11/16/22, Max Nikulin <> wrote:
> Since recently we were discussing desktop notifications and temporary
> rising emacs window, I am unsure if capture indication is related to the
> firefox extension, notification daemon, or emacs.

my brain is not connecting the first part of your sentence with the
second part [this has to do with my brain, not your english], but i
have been assuming that it is the firefox org-capture extension saying
"i sent the request".

in other words, you click unicorn, it does some org-protocol call, and
then it flashes that nice but misleading message.

misleading because it only indicates sending, not [desirable] emacs
receipt or [perhaps overkill?] emacs handling.

>> this is with or without selecting any text.
>> could a kind soul remind me how to debug this again?
> Max Nikulin. Re: org-capture firefox extension broken [silently] Sat, 11
> Jun 2022 09:30:11 +0700.
>$7ud$ and the earlier
> message$ddo$

oh /very nice/ thanks.  it is going to take me a long time to digest
that but i want to start with trying "have you"'s.

> Launching org-protocol handler from browser is unreliable, there is
> almost no way to detect an error. One indirect technique relies on
> switching focus from firefox to another application, but it is not
> applicable for your workflow.

do you mean like popping up emacs frame?  which would indeed
undesirably require me to move ff to front again?  but would at least
prove that the capture worked as i can inspect the new subentry in my
xyzzy-remember entry?

at this point, ff capture is so needed for me that i'd consider
something like the following:

pop up emacs frame for a fraction of a second, which then, in elisp,
pops back down again.  it might be possible to make it tolerabie
[visual overstimulation, cognitive burden] if the frame is full screen
on width but only a few lines on height.

i would have to try it to be sure but it seems worth trying.  however,
idk if it is possible in elisp.  i think i can maybe figure out the
frame dimensions part if there is a place to put it in capture

> More robust approach is a native messaging application that is a bridge
> between sandboxed firefox extension and emacs. It makes setup more
> complicated however and no simple org-protocol extensions use this
> approach.

not sure i understand what native or sandboxed mean here or why, and
whether org-protocol is needed or if you are saying that there might
be a non-simple-to-install extension for it or so.


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