On 16/11/2022 11:03, Samuel Wales wrote:

right now, it seems org-capture is broken for me again.  clicking on
unicorn results in the momentary captured indication in huge text on
the screen [i like this indicator], but it does not get captured to my
org capture target.

Since recently we were discussing desktop notifications and temporary rising emacs window, I am unsure if capture indication is related to the firefox extension, notification daemon, or emacs.

this is with or without selecting any text.

could a kind soul remind me how to debug this again?

Max Nikulin. Re: org-capture firefox extension broken [silently] Sat, 11 Jun 2022 09:30:11 +0700. https://list.orgmode.org/t80unm$7ud$1...@ciao.gmane.io and the earlier message https://list.orgmode.org/t7vdnm$ddo$1...@ciao.gmane.io

Launching org-protocol handler from browser is unreliable, there is almost no way to detect an error. One indirect technique relies on switching focus from firefox to another application, but it is not applicable for your workflow.

More robust approach is a native messaging application that is a bridge between sandboxed firefox extension and emacs. It makes setup more complicated however and no simple org-protocol extensions use this approach.

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