On 17/11/2022 10:16, Samuel Wales wrote:
On 11/16/22, Max Nikulin wrote:
Since recently we were discussing desktop notifications and temporary
rising emacs window, I am unsure if capture indication is related to the
firefox extension, notification daemon, or emacs.

my brain is not connecting the first part of your sentence with the
second part [this has to do with my brain, not your english],

I was writing about notify-send (or d-bus function) called in the case of successful capture and notification-daemon or dunst: Samuel Wales. Re: desktop notifications (Re: idea for capture anywhere in x) Wed, 26 Oct 2022 01:07:18 -0700. https://list.orgmode.org/CAJcAo8sp3dyUT0b8=3T1YeiQZzmDYS9Zah_6+LdczWHicnVX=w...@mail.gmail.com

I am unsure if your managed to add such feature to your configuration.

but i
have been assuming that it is the firefox org-capture extension saying
"i sent the request".

Check browser console for warnings and try to call emacsclient with some org-protocol: URI from xterm or another terminal application (I would avoid Emacs shell buffers for such tests).

pop up emacs frame for a fraction of a second, which then, in elisp,
pops back down again.

To raise and lower an existing window perhaps something like wmctrl, xdotool or fluxbox-remote should be used.

Remaining withing Emacs I would consider temporary creating a new frame and dismissing it. I am unsure concerning focus stealing protection in window managers that may hide such window.

A simple command that might be a substitute to notification windows:

    zenity --timeout 1 --info --title 'Title' --text 'Text'

There are a number of dialog tools similar to zenity: lightweight or integrated with desktop environments. I have no idea which one you may have installed and if it has timeout feature or sleep&kill workaround should be used instead.

However I believe that not running some notification daemon may cause problems with various application.

More robust approach is a native messaging application that is a bridge
between sandboxed firefox extension and emacs. It makes setup more
complicated however and no simple org-protocol extensions use this

not sure i understand what native or sandboxed mean here or why, and
whether org-protocol is needed or if you are saying that there might
be a non-simple-to-install extension for it or so.

Browsers create sandboxes for web pages and extensions to isolate them from host system. There is an API that allows communication of an add-on with particular helper application running on host system:

A dedicated naive messaging helper allows to check emacsclient exit code or stdout. The price is more complicated configuration. Of course, an extension should support such communication protocol.

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