> - "emacs -l org" to simulate a regular user session with some opened files.
> - Update to Org-9.6 from ELPA.
> - Close emacs and start it again "emacs -l org"
> Result:
> byte-code: Invalid function: org-assert-version

Hmm... there's code in `package.el` intended to avoid that problem, but
clearly it's failing here.  Could Someoneā„¢ investigate why that code
doesn't do its job.

The code in question is in `package--reload-previously-loaded` and
my understanding is that it should cause `org-macs` to be reloaded from
the Org-9.6 version of the code before the new code gets compiled, and
that new version does define the `org-assert-version` version, so those
macro calls should then be compiled correctly.

[ The approach used in `package--reload-previously-loaded` has its
  weaknesses, but AFAIK it *should* be able to avoid the above error.  ]


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