Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> It does not have to be lost. We can adjust the repeater function to
> handle negative dates/months specially, so that

> [2024-05--1 +1m] -> [2024-06--1 +1m]

Hmmm... I do not like, that here the wrong month is displayed. On a
cursory look, it's easy to assume the wrong month. But it is an
interesting option and maybe misreading this only my personal problem
(and "--1" stands out a little bit, so it is recognizable).

> How does it make my example with [2024-05-12 +1m!] any less awkward?

Ups, I misunderstood you. I thought the "+1m!]" looks ugly (and maybe
"+1mx]" is a bit less ugly).

Now I see what you mean. But there are new possibilities! :) Start the
repeater now, but from the next month on always use the last day of
each month. But yes, that's seems to be a quite seldom use-case.

But never mind, I have not thought this all through. Only some random
musings. :)

Until the next mail...,

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