On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 12:35:43 +1000, "Alan E. Davis" <lngn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I use the gri plotting language to make plots.  Does anyone here use this?
> I am over my head in trying to use babel as a literate programming tool; yet
> that's exactly what I need to do, else at least have a method for
> coordinating better comments / notes with the code.


I don't use gri.  I have had a quick look at it and it should be
possible (for others, not me :() to create an org-babel interface for
this.  If you have any elisp knowledge, you could try starting from
one of the existing language implementations.  You could also try to
use the support for sh in org-babel but you'd have to get the table
data into a file first.  Others may have more reasonable suggestions,

I am surprised, however, at this comment:

> Gnuplot was ok when I didn't need quailty graphs.

in what way does gnuplot fall short in terms of quality?  (but keep
this part of the conversatino off-list please to avoid annoying others)
Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
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