Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 12:35:43 +1000, "Alan E. Davis" <> wrote:
>> I use the gri plotting language to make plots.  Does anyone here use this?
>> I am over my head in trying to use babel as a literate programming tool; yet
>> that's exactly what I need to do, else at least have a method for
>> coordinating better comments / notes with the code.
> Alan,
> I don't use gri.  I have had a quick look at it and it should be
> possible (for others, not me :() to create an org-babel interface for
> this.  If you have any elisp knowledge, you could try starting from
> one of the existing language implementations.  You could also try to
> use the support for sh in org-babel but you'd have to get the table
> data into a file first.

If this is something you're interested in, you could start by making a
copy of org-babel-gnuplot.el, and then search/replace gnuplot/gri, and
you'll be most of the way there.

The gnuplot file already has support for dropping tables to
tab-separated files, and then placing the paths to those files into the
body of code blocks, which may be sufficient for table support in gri --
although having not heard of gri before this email I can't say for sure.

Best -- Eric

> Others may have more reasonable suggestions, however...
> I am surprised, however, at this comment:
>> Gnuplot was ok when I didn't need quailty graphs.
> in what way does gnuplot fall short in terms of quality?  (but keep
> this part of the conversatino off-list please to avoid annoying others)

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