
Being an elisp noob I had forgotten about the provide code in the .el file.
That fixed that problem, THANK YOU so much.   Now if I can figure out why I
have to
M-x load-library RET google-weather RET
M-x load-library RET org-google-weather RET
to get google weather to work with my agenda (though I am debating on
leaving it this way and having a function load these two files as I am not
always internet connected and it is annoying to wait for the network
connection attempt to timeout 4 times for each day it attempts to retrieve
the weather or maybe I should look and see if I can patch it to make it skip
the other attempts if the first fails? but then I need to figure out how to
get them to load automatically).  I should just need to use the code in my
dot emacs
'(require 'google-weather)
'(require 'org-google-weather)
for it to work but that doesn't seem to do the trick, maybe i need to look
in the code in those .el files.

to your question, I am trying to set some functions in other .el files so
that I can break up differnt parts of code for the different parts of my
.emacs file intsead of just adding more and more code.


On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 7:26 AM, Konrad Hinsen <konrad.hin...@fastmail.net>wrote:

> On 5 Mar 2011, at 12:44, Matthew Sauer wrote:
>> I put the diary-sunset and diary-sunrise functions in a file called
>> sunrisesunset.el in my elisp directory, it is part of my load path and put
>> '(require 'sunrisesunset)
>> in my .emacs
> Did you put a
>        (provide 'sunrisesunset)
> at the end of sunrisesunset.el? That's what tells Emacs that the
> requirement is now fulfilled.
> Konrad.

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