Matthew Sauer <> wrote:

> Thanks that worked, as I said Noob, somethings get the quote and some don't.  
> Now if I can just get
> org-contacts to load correctly, void variable value, life will be great.  I 
> think I am starting to
> get the hang of this language.
> Matthew

The main thing to remember is that quote inhibits evaluation: 'a gives
you the symbol a whereas a without the quote gives you the *value* of
a. Remember also that in lisp, you call a function func with arguments x
and y like this: (func x y) - this calls the function func on the
*values* of x and y and returns a function value (which of course
depends on how the function is defined). OTOH, '(func x y) is a list of
three elements: func, x and y. So

'(require 'google-weather)

does nothing whereas

(require 'google-weather) 

calls the function require with the symbol google-weather as its argument.

OTOH, the incorrect

(require google-weather)

would call the same function with the *value* of the symbol google-weather
as its argument. Since the symbol has no value, you'd get an error.
Hope this makes things a bit clearer, but there is nothing like getting an
elementary book on Lisp (or the Emacs Lisp introductory tutorial which
should be available in your emacs or online).

As for org-contacts, I just did a git pull (from
git:// and I was able to load it with
no problems. Also I don't see a variable named "value" in the file, so
either your report of the error is inaccurate or your version is
older. Try the latest version and if you still have problems, checkout
out section 1.4, "Feedback", of the Org manual to find out how to
produce a useful backtrace - then post that to the list.


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