Hi, Jambunathan and Nicolas,

On 2012-01-27 22:47, Jambunathan K wrote:

I will let Christian answer for himself.
Thanks Jambunathan, you are not only an excellent coder, but also an expert mind reader:-)
What you describe is exactly what I want to achieve.

text A text A'
line 2 line 2

My name is Jambunathan. I live  Mon nom est Jambunathan. Je vis 
in India. ....................  en India.......................

He wants the "English column" to be collected in to an English file and
the "French column" to be collected in to a French file.

In some sense, he wants to tangle the "English column", let's say as
verse_en.org and "French column" to verse_fr.org

Exactly. The reason for wanting to do this is that the above is my setup for translating, but in some cases the publication will have only the translation, for such cases, I want to extract just the translation. This should then produce a new org file, that simple has either everything before the tab (the original) or everything after the tab (the translation), while leaving all lines that do not contain a <tab> character as they are.

I assume this would be an easy task with the new exporter -- but still a bit at loss on where to start...

All the best,


Christian Wittern, Kyoto

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