#+TITLE:     Noweb references in LaTeX document
#+DATE:      2012-01-30

* Summary

** Problem

I use 3 chunks of LaTeX code which I wanna insert in a LaTeX document.

While 1 of them is correctly tangled into the LaTeX document, the 2 others
generate errors when C-c C-v C-t'ing:

    "if: reference '<<who' not found in this buffer"

and, if I temporarily replace `<<who()>>' by `<<who>>', I get the next error:

    "if: reference '    <<solde' not found in this buffer"

What I don't understand is that there is no -- sorry, I mean: I don't see --
the difference between the 3 noweb references. They all seem correctly

** Note

Remember that, up to now, such a document *must be first tangled* and then
post-processed via =PDFLaTeX=. It can not be exported directly to PDF/HTML 
out of range= error).

* Example

** Part 1
#+name: who
#+begin_src org :results latex

** Part 2
#+name: before
#+begin_src org :results latex

** Part 3
#+name: solde
#+begin_src org :results latex

** Composed letter
#+begin_src latex :noweb yes :tangle yes


\titlebox{9.4cm}{Foo}{% HERE 1111 <<<<

    Some sentence
    <<before()>> \hfill{}% HERE 2222 <<<<
    <<solde()>> EUR% HERE 3333 <<<<


Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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