Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte wrote:
> "Sebastien Vauban" <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:
>> I use 3 chunks of LaTeX code which I wanna insert in a LaTeX document.
>> While 1 of them is correctly tangled into the LaTeX document, the 2 others
>> generate errors when C-c C-v C-t'ing:
>>     "if: reference '<<who' not found in this buffer"
>> and, if I temporarily replace `<<who()>>' by `<<who>>', I get the next error:
>>     "if: reference '    <<solde' not found in this buffer"
>> What I don't understand is that there is no -- sorry, I mean: I don't see --
>> the difference between the 3 noweb references. They all seem correctly
>> written...
>> * Example
>> ** Part 1
>> #+name: who
>> #+begin_src org :results latex
>> 1111ToMe
>> #+end_src
>> ** Part 2
>> #+name: before
>> #+begin_src org :results latex
>> 2222BeforeDate
>> #+end_src
>> ** Part 3
>> #+name: solde
>> #+begin_src org :results latex
>> 3333Rest
>> #+end_src
>> ** Composed letter
>> #+begin_src latex :noweb yes :tangle yes
>> \documentclass{article}
>> \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
>> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>> \begin{document}
>> \begin{textblock}{85}(98,35)
>> \titlebox{9.4cm}{Foo}{% HERE 1111 <<<<
>> <<who()>>
>> }
>> \end{textblock}
>> \begin{textblock}{110}(25,195)
>>     Some sentence
>>     <<before()>> \hfill{}% HERE 2222 <<<<
>>     <<solde()>> EUR% HERE 3333 <<<<
>> \end{textblock}
>> \end{document}
>> #+end_src
> Currently newlines are allowed in noweb reference names causing the problems
> you noticed above.

If it does not take you too much time, can you enlighten me on the diffs
between the chunks?  Why was it well working for the second one?

> I've just pushed up a change which disallows newline characters in noweb
> references and fixes the odd behavior you describe.

References are working well. Thanks a lot!

Though, there is an annoying diff in the tangled LaTeX: the first block gets
an extra blank line (I don't understand why it differs from the others) which
will cause layout problem when compiling the document -- not this one, it's
just an not-so-valid ECM, but real ones...

#+begin_src latex


  \titlebox{9.4cm}{Foo}{% HERE 1111 <<<<


      Some sentence
       \hfill{}% HERE 2222 <<<<
       EUR% HERE 3333 <<<<


Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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