Hi Eric,

"Sebastien Vauban" wrote:
> Though, there is an annoying diff in the tangled LaTeX: the first block gets
> an extra blank line (I don't understand why it differs from the others) which
> will cause layout problem when compiling the document -- not this one, it's
> just an not-so-valid ECM, but real ones...
> #+begin_src latex
>   \documentclass{article}
>   \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
>   \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>   \begin{document}
>   \begin{textblock}{85}(98,35)
>   \titlebox{9.4cm}{Foo}{% HERE 1111 <<<<
>   1111ToMe
>   }
>   \end{textblock}
>   \begin{textblock}{110}(25,195)
>       Some sentence
>       2222BeforeDate
>        \hfill{}% HERE 2222 <<<<
>       3333Rest
>        EUR% HERE 3333 <<<<
>   \end{textblock}
>   \end{document}
> #+end_src

This isn't priority anymore: currently, I'm not hit by that bug/feature in the
real file I'm working on.

Thanks for the fix you've readily made available...

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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