Leading my first project and decided to dig into taskjuggler again. It
just seems so natural to have everything in org if possible, so I took
another look at the exporter, manual, and worg tutorial. [1][2]

As is, as far as I can tell, the exporter does not work out of the box
with tj3. I /think/ I could get it to work if I added in a massive
report definition (which now seems mandatory for tj3) under
=org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports=, but that just feels clumsy.
For one, not every project will have the same report. Secondly, it
seems odd to tweak report definitions through my .emacs file? I didn't
see a way to specify it in the orgmode file itself. Any non-headline
text appears to be stripped during export.

Based on my fiddling tonight, here are some suggestions/inquiries:

1) Could there be something equivalent to #+latex/#+begin_latex that
would let me export some literal taskjuggler syntax into a file?
Perhaps throw everything between a #+begin/end_taskjuggler just before
the closing "}" for the task?

2) Could a different naming convention be used? It seems the currently
it's either what is defined by the property :task_id: or defaults to
the first word of the headline. If the default were more likely to be
unique, it would spare having to define a ton of =task_id= properties;
instead one could define dependencies based on headline names because
the syntax for naming was known and not likely to clash with another
headline's ID.
--- First word of the parent headline + "_" + first word of actual headline?
--- Bump it to the first two words of each headline?

3) As a piggyback on #1, I am successful with the following process:
-- create reports.tji with my report definitions
-- org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports set to nothing
-- export from orgmode
-- edit exported-file.tjp and add: include "reports.tji" to the end
-- run =tj3 filename.tjp=

Simply allowing the addition of =include "reports.tji"= or even
mandating that it exists would allow the use of tj3 with the current

I don't know lisp and feel a bit guilty making potentially code-heavy
suggestions about this... That said, I'm happy to pitch in with the
manual/worg since they're a but outdated anyway. I don't see an
obvious place where one can even download tj 2.x.x anymore. The tj
team seems to have left that version behind; perhaps the org exporter
should to? Definitely chime in if you're still using it, though. I'd
be curious to know!

Thanks for any feedback.

[1] http://orgmode.org/manual/TaskJuggler-export.html
[2] http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-taskjuggler.html

Best regards,

@EricFraga: if implementing the LaTeX gantt package has moved into
either of the two actionable categories you mentioned in our last
I'd be happy to hear about it :)

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