Rainer M Krug <r.m.k...@gmail.com> writes:

> But I am not clear about
> 1) how your .org file looks
> 2) your reports.tji looks
> 3) what I have to set in emacs / org variables to use tj3.
> Would it be possible to post a small basic example so that one has
> something to start working with? I still feel lost.

I attached a sample org file (basically the one from the worg page) that
also sets (as file variables) the two variables that you need to set.
Also I attached the reports.tji that I'm using. This should answer your
question 1 and 2. As for question 3: If you take the attached org files
all the relevant variables are set for you. If you do it manually you'll
have to set org-export-taskjuggler-target-version and

Let me know if the attached files work for you out of the box. I have
some small local changes to the taskjuggler exporter but AFAIK they
should not influence this.


#+PROPERTY: Effort_ALL 2d 5d 10d 20d 30d 35d 50d 
#+PROPERTY: allocate_ALL dev doc test
#+COLUMNS: %30ITEM(Task) %Effort %allocate %BLOCKER %ORDERED

* Accounting Software                                        

** Specification
   :Effort:   20d
   :BLOCKER:  start
   :allocate: dev

** Software Development
   :ORDERED:  t
   :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling
   :priority: 1000
   :allocate: dev

*** Database coupling
    :Effort:   20d

*** Back-End Functions
    :Effort:   30d
    :task_id:  back_end

*** Graphical User Interface
    :Effort:   35d
    :allocate: paul, seb

** Software testing
   :ORDERED:  t
   :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling
   :allocate: test
*** Alpha Test
    :Effort:   5d
    :task_id:  alpha

*** Beta Test
    :Effort:   20d
    :task_id:  beta
    :allocate: test, paul

** Manual
   :Effort:   50d
   :task_id:  manual
   :BLOCKER:  start
   :allocate: doc

** Milestones
*** Project start
    :task_id:  start

*** Technology Preview
    :BLOCKER:  back_end

*** Beta version
    :BLOCKER:  alpha

*** Ship Product to Customer
    :BLOCKER:  beta manual

* Resources                                         :taskjuggler_resource:
** Developers
   :resource_id: dev
*** Paul Smith
    :resource_id: paul
*** Sébastien Bono
    :resource_id: seb
*** Klaus Müller

** Others
*** Peter Murphy
    :resource_id: doc
    :limits:   { dailymax 6.4h }
*** Dim Sung
    :resource_id: test

* File Variables

# Local Variables:
# org-export-taskjuggler-target-version: 3.0
# org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports: ("include \"reports.tji\"")
# compile-command: "~/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bin/tj3 foo.tjp"
# End:
textreport report "Plan" {
  formats html
  header '== <-query attribute="name"-> =='

  center -8<-
    [#Plan Plan] | [#Status Status] | [#Resource_Allocation Resource Allocation]
    === Plan ===
    <[report id="plan"]>
    === Status ===
    <[report id="status.completed"]>
    <[report id="status.ongoing"]>
    <[report id="status.future"]>
    === Resource Allocation ===
    <[report id="resourceGraph"]>

# A traditional Gantt chart with a project overview.
taskreport plan "" {
  headline "Project Plan"
  columns bsi, name, start, end, effort, chart
  loadunit shortauto
  hideresource 1

taskreport status "" {
  columns bsi, name { width 150 }, start { width 100 }, end { width 100 },
          effort { width 75 }, status { width 75 }, gauge {width 150 }
  loadunit shortauto

  taskreport completed "" {
    headline "Completed tasks"
    hidetask plan.complete < 100.0
    sorttasks plan.start.up
  taskreport ongoing "" {
    headline "Ongoing tasks"
    hidetask ~(isleaf() & (plan.start <= ${now}) & (plan.complete < 100.0))
  taskreport future "" {
    headline "Future tasks"
    hidetask ~(plan.start > ${now} & (plan.complete < 100.0))

# A graph showing resource allocation. It identifies whether each
# resource is under- or over-allocated for.
resourcereport resourceGraph "" {
  headline "Resource Allocation Graph"
  columns no, name, effort, weekly 
  loadunit shortauto
  hidetask ~(isleaf() & isleaf_())
  sorttasks plan.start.up
Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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