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On 01/02/12 15:09, Christian Egli wrote:
> Hi John
> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Leading my first project and decided to dig into taskjuggler
>> again. It just seems so natural to have everything in org if
>> possible, so I took another look at the exporter, manual, and
>> worg tutorial. [1][2]
> Cool.
>> As is, as far as I can tell, the exporter does not work out of
>> the box with tj3. I /think/ I could get it to work if I added in
>> a massive report definition (which now seems mandatory for tj3)
>> under =org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports=, but that just
>> feels clumsy.
> First off let me say that I'm using the taskjuggler exporter with
> tj3, so it should work.

This is good news. As I am planning of using it only for basic stuff,
it should work for me as well.

But I am not clear about

1) how your .org file looks
2) your reports.tji looks
3) what I have to set in emacs / org variables to use tj3.

Would it be possible to post a small basic example so that one has
something to start working with? I still feel lost.



> As far as I know setting the
> org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports should work. As I agree that
> this is a bit clumsy and sets the reports for all projects. I'm
> setting the variable in a file variable like so (the
> compile-command is optional but you need to adapt it to match the 
> location of your tj3 binary and your file name):
> # Local Variables: # org-export-taskjuggler-target-version: 3.0 #
> org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports: ("include
> \"reports.tji\"") # compile-command: "~/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bin/tj3
> yourfilename.tjp" # End:
> Then I define the reports in a separate file which is included
> similar to the solution you outline below.
> I guess I should have some default report definitions for tj3 in
> the exporter itself. The tj3 reports are quite massive and it is
> hard to come by some which could be included in the Emacs source
> (you need copyright assignments). Maybe the ones I have in my
> reports.tji could qualify.
>> For one, not every project will have the same report. Secondly,
>> it seems odd to tweak report definitions through my .emacs file?
> Yes I agree, see above.
>> Based on my fiddling tonight, here are some
>> suggestions/inquiries:
>> 1) Could there be something equivalent to #+latex/#+begin_latex
>> that would let me export some literal taskjuggler syntax into a
>> file? Perhaps throw everything between a #+begin/end_taskjuggler
>> just before the closing "}" for the task?
> I can see a use case for this with regards to reports. But what is
> the use case if you'd place this inside tasks? The problem with
> literal sections of taskjuggler is where to place them. Something
> might me related to the project header, other stuff to the reports,
> etc.
>> 2) Could a different naming convention be used? It seems the
>> currently it's either what is defined by the property :task_id:
>> or defaults to the first word of the headline. If the default
>> were more likely to be unique, it would spare having to define a
>> ton of =task_id= properties; instead one could define
>> dependencies based on headline names because the syntax for
>> naming was known and not likely to clash with another headline's
>> ID. --- First word of the parent headline + "_" + first word of
>> actual headline? --- Bump it to the first two words of each
>> headline?
> The exporter just makes the task_id locally unique. That's what tj 
> expects. From your usage I guess that you have a lot of tasks with
> the same name (probably within different hierarchies). Both methods
> you outline could be implemented. Which one is more general?
>> 3) As a piggyback on #1, I am successful with the following
>> process: -- create reports.tji with my report definitions --
>> org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports set to nothing -- export
>> from orgmode -- edit exported-file.tjp and add: include
>> "reports.tji" to the end -- run =tj3 filename.tjp=
> Could you not set org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports to
> "include \"reports.tji\""? Otherwise you can use file variables as
> I outlined above.
>> Simply allowing the addition of =include "reports.tji"= or even 
>> mandating that it exists would allow the use of tj3 with the
>> current exporter.
>> I don't know lisp and feel a bit guilty making potentially
>> code-heavy suggestions about this... That said, I'm happy to
>> pitch in with the manual/worg since they're a but outdated
>> anyway.
> I'm happy to take you up on this offer. The worg page is a lot of
> work, as it has all these screen shots. I'd be happy if you could
> update it once you get all of this working.
>> I don't see an obvious place where one can even download tj
>> 2.x.x anymore.
> I have it installed on an old machine.
>> The tj team seems to have left that version behind; perhaps the
>> org exporter should to?
> I still prefer the old reports. But I guess yes, the exporter
> should move on and support tj3 out of the box. The two main
> problems are
> 1. default reports with copyright assignments. As I include this in
> the Emacs source we need to have assignments. I can't just take the
> ones from the tj3 manual (I'd have to ask the author first).
> 2. A way to invoke the view (as seamless as before). For tj 2.4 I
> was able to just invoke the taskjuggler gui with the exported tjp
> file. For tj3 the exporter needs to somehow find out which reports
> are generated (HTML, text, csv) and then invoke the appropriate
> viewer. This might be simplified I take some assumptions, but I
> haven't come up with a clever way to do this.
> Thanks Christian

- -- 
Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation
Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

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