Hi Bjarte,

Bjarte Johansen wrote:
> So I won't be able to work on this before next weekend, but in the mean time
> (unless someone else has the time) I suggest that we make a list of places
> where we would like to remove flyspell overlays from. I'll start.
> #+BEGIN_lstlisting
> #+END_lstlisting
> Body of lstlisting
> #+BEGIN_verbatim
> #+END_verbatim
> body of verbatim
> These are for the #+ blocks I can think of now. I would also like to remove
> them from \nocite{} \cite{} and \ref{} commands or make a way to cite
> without using latex commands.

I would allow fly-prog-mode in the listins, as one normally does for plain
code, no?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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