On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 2:42 PM, John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm starting a new thread for this issue. My process:
> - git pull
> - cd into ~/path/org.git/mk
> - run Worg compile command from cmd utility:
> #+begin_src cmd
> C:\path\to\emacs-23.3\bin\emacs.exe -batch -Q -L lisp -l
> ../mk/org-fixup -f org-make-autoloads-compile
> #+end_src
> - get following error
> ,-----
> | Cannot open load file: ../mk/org-fixup
> `-----
> - check working dir with =dir=
> ,-----
> | Directory of C:\path\to\org.git\mk
> `-----
> - added \path\to\emacs-23.3\bin to Windows path variable
> - verified that from cmd utility, 'emacs' indeed opens emacs
> - redid the above
> Now, I recalled the Worg command being `emacs -batch ... -l
> ../mk/org-fixup.el ...` (not the ".el"). When I try that, it tries but
> fails:
> ,-----
> | Symbol's function definition is void: org-find-library-dir
> `-----
> This is *with* emacs in the path. I wondered if starting emacs from
> cmd with a path would somehow evaluate it using the emacs bin
> directory as the "home base" and for that reason not realize it should
> be operating in ../path/to/org.git/mk, but with it in $PATH, I'm
> thinking that isn't an issue.
> org-find-library-dir is called here in org-fixup.el:
> #+begin_src lisp
> (defun org-make-autoloads (&optional compile force)
>   "Make the files org-install and org-version.el in the install directory.
> Finds the install directory by looking for library \"org\".
> Optionally byte-compile lisp files in the install directory or
> force re-compilation.  This function is provided for easier
> manual install when the build system can't be used."
>   (let* ((origin default-directory)
>          (dirlisp (org-find-library-dir "org"))
>          (dirorg (concat dirlisp "../" ))
>          (dirodt (if (boundp 'org-odt-data-dir)
>                      org-odt-data-dir
>                    (concat dirorg "etc/"))))
>     (unwind-protect
>         (progn
>           (cd dirlisp)
>           (org-fixup)
>           (org-make-org-version (org-release) (org-git-version) dirodt)
>           (org-make-org-install)
>           (when compile (byte-recompile-directory dirlisp 0 force)))
>       (cd origin))))
> #+end_src
> I get no completions in emacs trying to run =M-x org-find-library-dir=.
> I tried replacing = (dirlisp (org-find-library-dir "org"))= with
> =(dirlisp (concat "C:/path/to/org.git"))= and it *seemed* to compile.
> I got a final report of:
> ,-----
> | Done (Total of 66 files compiled, 18 failed, 5 skipped in 7 directories)
> `-----
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> John

As a followup, the =lispdir= variable is looking for things in my
emacs install, at least per my read of default.mk. I just compile and
leave things in the org git repo vs. actually installing them. Is the
byte compiling code from Worg trying to install or just make the
autoloads/compile? I don't want to install. Do I need to set these in
default.mk in order to compile org? There's no mention of tweaking
default.mk in Worg, though if this is required I'll definitely have to
do so since it's set up for Linux.


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