On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> wrote:
> John Hendy writes:
>> I don't understand. This is the default Worg command. I posted that
>> this was failing, and you wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> wrote:
>>>>> You can try and replace the "-L" option with "--directory".
> OK, so I failed to reach you.  I meant that literally, as in replace
> "-L" with "--directory".  These two are aliases, but I've heard two
> reports where the long option worked, but the short option didn't.

That's what I originally thought when I asked for my clarification,
but I misunderstood your clarification. The joys of remote
communicating :)

>> I asked for clarification and you suggested using:
>>>>> On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 2:24 PM, Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> wrote:
>>>>> What I meant was that if you add something to load-path via this option,
>>>>> make sure it actually turns up _first_ in the load-path.  Like
>>>>> emacs -L blafasel
> Again, I didn't seem the understand what you were asking.  I can see now
> that this led you further away from the solution.
>> I think my issue with this is twofold:
>> - the ".." in the command `emacs [snip] ../mk/org-fixup.el` seemed to
>> imply that I needed to be in the mk directory
> No.  You are in "." when you start Emacs, the load-path is set up to
> contain "./lisp/" and if you now want to load a file in "./mk" you
> actually do that from "./lisp/", so the file is in "../mk/" from there.

Ah. That makes much more sense. So the `-l lisp` puts me into lisp,
and from there I call ../mk/org-fixup. Gotcha.

>> - There's also this:
>> #+begin_quote Worg (http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.html)
>> When you execute the commands below, your current directory must be
>> where org has been unpacked into,
>> in other words the file default.mk should be found in your current
>> directory.
> Ah.  Isn't it wonderful when files get moved around?  Thanks for
> pointing that out.  I've changed that description on Worg in a way that
> is hopefully less confusing and compatible with both the old and the new
> directory layout.

Thanks for that. In the other thread, I actually mentioned that I've
been compiling successfully (or at least I thought) from org.git for
some time (a couple years?). It was only once I started looking into
the UTILITIES vs. mk folder issue and re-reading the instructions on
Worg that I realized I'd been doing it wrong by compiling from org.git
instead of from within UTILITIES/mk. As we've now discovered, I was
actually doing fine for all that time and only from following
directions did we get to have this nice long conversation.

Thanks again for hanging in there with me -- truly!

> Regards,
> Achim.
> --
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