John Hendy writes:
> I'm starting a new thread for this issue. My process:
> - git pull
> - cd into ~/path/org.git/mk

No, please.  Just cd into ~/path/org.git…

> I tried replacing = (dirlisp (org-find-library-dir "org"))= with
> =(dirlisp (concat "C:/path/to/org.git"))= and it *seemed* to compile.
> I got a final report of:
> ,-----
> | Done (Total of 66 files compiled, 18 failed, 5 skipped in 7 directories)
> `-----
> Any suggestions?

Please don't.  This doesn't do what you think it is doing.  Sometimes
Emacs can be _too_ helpful.  Remove all files in ~/path/org.git/ and
check out from git (or do a fresh clone) before trying again, please.

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