On Wed, Jan 09, 2013 at 03:16:09PM +0100, Gour wrote:


> > I use this as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
> ...and would like to use it as CRM as well. Can you, please, share some
> more info about your setup (I'll probably use Gnus instead of Mutt)?

Here is my YASnippet template for the organisation

| #name : Contact Organisation
| #key : org
| #contributor : Michael Strey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| # --
| ** ${1:organisation}
| :KIND:     org
| :ORG:      $1;${2:devision}
| :EMAIL:    mailto:${10:company_email}
| :TEL;PREF=1;TYPE="voice,work":[[tel:${11:tel}]]
| :TEL;TYPE="fax,work":[[tel:${12:fax}]]
| :URL:      http://$13
| :LANG:     $14
| :END:
| $0
| Added: [`(org-read-date nil nil "+0d")`]

and here that for a contact in the next sub-level

| #name : Contact Individual
| #key : contact
| #contributor : Michael Strey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| # --
| *** ${1:surname}, ${2:name}
| - Added: [`(org-read-date nil nil "+0d")`]
| :END:
| :KIND:     individual
| :ORG:      ${3:organisation};${4:devision}
| :TITLE:    ${5:title}
| :FN:       $2 $1
| :N:        $1;$2;;
| :NICKNAME: $19 $1
| :EMAIL:    mailto:${13:company_email}
| :TEL;PREF=1;TYPE="voice,work":[[tel:${14:tel}]]
| :TEL;TYPE="voice,cell":[[tel:${15:mobile}]]
| :TEL;TYPE="fax,work":[[tel:${16:fax}]]
| :URL:      http://$17
| :LANG:     $18
| :END:
| $0

For my private contacts I have a simpler template

| #name : Contact Individual (private)
| #key : privat
| #contributor : Michael Strey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| # --
| *** ${1:surname}, ${2:name}
| :KIND:     individual
| :FN:       $2 $1
| :N:        $1;$2;;
| :NICKNAME: ${3:salutation}
| :EMAIL:    mailto:${9:email}
| :TEL;PREF=1;TYPE="voice,home":[[tel:${10:tel}]]
| :TEL;TYPE="voice,cell":[[tel:${11:mobile}]]
| :LANG:     ${12:de}
| :END:
| $0
| Added: [`(org-read-date nil nil "+0d")`]

The LOGBOOK drawer is used to store log notes with C-c C-z.  In the lead
phase, as long as I do not have a dedicated sales project with a contact
or organisation, I store all notes below the individual or organisation

As soon as there is a real chance to sell something, I define a sales
project in a second file containing all of my sales projects.  Here
comes the YASnippet for such a project.

| #name : Sales Project
| #key : salesp
| #contributor : Michael Strey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| # --
| *** PENDING ${1:customer} -- ${2:product}                                     
| :Customer: $1
| :Vendor:   ${3:vendor}
| :Product:  $2
| :Quantity_short: ${4:quantity}
| :Quantity_long:  ${5:quantity_long}
| :Price:    ${6:price}
| :Rate:     ${7:0.1}
| :Probability: ${8:0.5}
| :PlannedDeliveryDate:
| :Delivered: [ ]
| :Invoices: [ ]
| :Payed:    [ ]
| :COLUMNS: %Customer %Product %Price %Quantity_short(Qty$_1$) 
%Probability(Prob.) %Value1(Value) %Quantity_long(Qty$_2$) %Value2(Potential)
| :END:
| Added: [`(org-read-date nil nil "+0d")`]
| Last update: [`(org-read-date nil nil "+0d")`]
| #+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :maxlevel 3 :id local
| | Customer | Product | Price | Qty$_1$ | Prob. | Value | Qty$_2$ | Potential |
| |----------+---------+-------+---------+-------+-------+---------+-----------|
| | Hyundai  | VEGA    | 10000 |       1 |   0.5 |  5000 |       1 |     10000 |
| #+TBLFM: \$6=\$3*\$4*\$5;%.0f::\$8=\$3*\$7;%.0f
| #+END:
| **** Outcome
| $0
| **** Contacts
| [[file:contacts.org::${9:surname}, ${10:name}][$10 $9]]
| **** Documents                                                       
| **** Results                                                         
| - [ ] Result
| - [ ] Link to following project
| - [ ] Ask for recommendations
| - [ ] Link to competitor(s)
| - [ ] Archiving (later) into external file
| **** Log

Thus in general contacts.org is uses only for the contacts.  Projects
from salesprojects.org contain links to these contacts.  Links to
e-mails are stored in the sales projects (section Log) as well.

Michael Strey 

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