On Tue, 08 Jan 2013 09:16:41 -0800
Wes Hardaker <wjhns...@hardakers.net> wrote:

> FYI, I tried (again) to use org-contacts a while back and still see
> the same speed problems.  It's great for small contacts, but not for
> large.


> I think what would be needed would be to read the file and store it in
> an elisp structure and then just stat() the file every time a lookup
> happened and if it hasn't changed, then use the elisp or else reparse.
> It's not like the data should be changing *that* much so it shouldn't
> need to be reread a lot.  And it's the parsing/searching that takes
> too long.

I'm just starting (again) with Emacs/orgmode and I plan to learn some
elisp eventually, but not there (yet).

> But I certainly like the org-mode format much much much better than
> bbdb(3).  Which I'm still using, unfortunately.

Do you use bbdb3 and what are important things it brings over bbdb2?

Have you, maybe, tried mu4e or should I simply stick with proven Gnus?


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friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will 
remain the greatest enemy.

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