Hi Xavier,

I think

#+begin_src latex :results drawer :exports results

will give both syntax highlighting (in the code block) as well as
properly displayed equations in both latex and html export.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Xavier Garrido <xavier.garr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Le 03/03/2014 20:24, Richard Lawrence a écrit :
>>> I am facing one issue when I am exporting from orgmode to html. I like
>>> to write LaTeX code within #+BEGIN_SRC latex ... #+END_SRC block mainly
>>> to take benefit/advantage of the syntax highlighting (debugging long
>>> LaTeX equations is "simpler"). The problem is that these code blocks are
>>> not exported at all by the html export backend whereas the LaTeX backend
>>> does. Of course, an easy solution will be to remove the
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC/#+END_SRC lines and both latex and html exporters will just
>>> do it right. But, as I said, syntax highlighting is really useful and I
>>> can't imagine living without it.
>> I don't quite understand what you're looking for here.  Are you wanting
>> these blocks to be exported as source code?  Or do you want them to be
>> interpreted somehow?
> I would like to get them interpreted as raw LaTeX code in such way MathJax
> can reinterpret them as you said.
>> Removing the BEGIN_SRC/END_SRC lines will just result in raw LaTeX code
>> getting dumped into your HTML, and a browser won't know what to do with
>> that (at least not without help...are you wanting MathJax to interpret
>> it?).
>>> As a summary I would like to do the following
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC org
>>> * Test LaTeX block
>>>     Syntax highlighting is always nice but the following block is not
>>> exported in html. An option will be to remove the #+BEGIN_SRC
>>> latex/#+END_SRC lines
>>>     #+BEGIN_SRC latex
>>>       \begin{align*}
>>>       x&=x\\
>>>       y&=y
>>>       \end{align*}
>>>     #+END_SRC
>> When I export this using the HTML exporter, the LaTeX code is wrapped in
>> a <div> with class="org-src-container", and the actual code appears
>> inside a <pre> tag.  Is this the behavior you see?  Is that not what you
>> want?
> In my case, the code is not even wrapped into org-src-container class, it
> just does not appear at all.
>> If you are instead looking to get something in your HTML output that
>> looks like the result of compiling the LaTeX code, I am not exactly sure
>> how to accomplish this, but it looks like there is some useful
>> information in the section "Math formatting in HTML export" in the Org
>> manual about either using MathJax or preprocessing LaTeX code into
>> images with dvipng.
> Actually, I just want to get the LaTeX code translated into raw code. As I
> wrote, there is one solution, pretty easy to implement and may be used by
> most of the org users : write raw LaTeX inside org document and use MathJax
> for example, to interpret it in a convenient way. It is going to work for
> both exporter html and latex. The point here is that using raw LaTeX code
> makes me lose the syntax highlighting which is really useful for debugging
> long LaTeX equation.
> Cheers,
> Xavier
>> Hope that helps,
>> Richard
>> (If possible, please encrypt your reply to me using my PGP key:
>> Key ID: CF6FA646
>> Fingerprint: 9969 43E1 CF6F A646.
>> See http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~rwl/encryption.html for more
>> information.)

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