Le 03/03/2014 21:54, Richard Lawrence a écrit :
Xavier Garrido <xavier.garr...@gmail.com> writes:

     #+BEGIN_SRC latex

When I export this using the HTML exporter, the LaTeX code is wrapped in
a <div> with class="org-src-container", and the actual code appears
inside a <pre> tag.  Is this the behavior you see?  Is that not what you

In my case, the code is not even wrapped into org-src-container class,
it just does not appear at all.

Hmm.  If Ista's solution doesn't work for you, you may want to look into
why this is happening.  Maybe you have a variable or option set
somewhere that is suppressing export of these blocks for some reason.  I
am using the "maint" version of the exporter (8.2.5h) and I don't use
HTML export much, so I am pretty sure what I see is the current default

The non export is due to this setup

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
   '((emacs-lisp . t)
     (latex . t)))



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