* PNG is "lossless" format--if you can, make it the first file you create
rather than last.

** If you create a JPG a "lossy" format then you could lose some of the
beauty (like your example).

* ImageMagick has many switches you can throw--suggest you look deeper into
it in the freely available manual--though its very thick.

* Often there are blah2blah programs (and many methods in ImageMagick for
example) available which may help that you may be able to string together.
 General example:

dvips -o blah.dvi

ps2pdf blah.ps

pdf2png blah.pdf

** Maybe you can convert your file to an intermediary format and then
convert it to .png

*** But again, if possible, create a PNG (.png) type file firstly since it
is a "lossless" file type.

On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 4:03 AM, Joseph Vidal-Rosset <
joseph.vidal.ros...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> To convert equations from *.org  into *.html, Mathjax is certainly the
> best solution but unfortunately, this solution does not work as soons as
> one need to use some texlive package convenient to produce easily proofs in
> specific format
> (for example if one uses bussproofs.sty of fitch.sty ).
> That is why imagemagick is useful. Unfortunately, the produced png images
> in my ltxpng/ have a very bad quality and if the browser load them, the
> result is terrible.
> I met already this problem and I do not remind what was the solution...
> I you have suggestions...
> Best wishes,
> Jo.
> PS: in attachment, an example of this terrible png images.

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