2014-07-11 17:59 GMT+02:00 Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com>:

> And you are sure that it is named
> "latex15065_PG_37f10648c57a40194a74eaabbaa5c1678a5d2046.png" ?
> The existing file might be a remnant from a previous run with a slightly
> different name (uuid readability is not the best :-) )
:)  I am pretty sure, yes ! :)

>  > I  remind  that the  error  in  creating the  dvi  file  was created  by
> > minted. I  deleted every reference  to minted and  it worked, but  now I
> > realize that  without minted the  use of bussproofs.sty cannot  work for
> > html conversion. :S
> >
> > I guess that I have to put in  my .bashrc a command to say that I always
> > want to use latex with -shell-escape option  , but I am not sure that it
> > is the best solution.
> >
> -shell-escape is a security risk, allowing arbitrary programs to
> execute, but if you are careful about what you allow and don't get
> careless, I think it's reasonable to set it once and for all. I do that
> because I use minted all the time (it's also needed by some svg package
> that I occasionally use). But I do try to be careful about what new
> latex packages I install.

I have just to find how to write this setup in my .bashrc file. If you know
the command line for a Linux user, do not hesitate to tell me. It will be
more quick for me !

Best wishes and thanks again !


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