Joseph Vidal-Rosset <> writes:

> To convert equations from *.orgĀ  into *.html, Mathjax is certainly the
> best solution but unfortunately, this solution does not work as soons
> as one need to use some texlive package convenient to produce easily
> proofs in specific format (for example if one uses bussproofs.sty of
> fitch.sty ).
> That is why imagemagick is useful. Unfortunately, the produced png
> images in my ltxpng/ have a very bad quality and if the browser load
> them, the result is terrible.  I met already this problem and I do not
> remind what was the solution...
> I you have suggestions...

The process by which images are produced (for imagemagick: dvipng
follows a slightly different path) is to wrap the latex fragment
into a complete latex file, run pdflatex (or whatever your
org-latex-pdf-process says) to produce a pdf file and then run
the imagemagick `convert' program to produce the png.

I'd suggest that you duplicate this process by hand and see where
it goes wrong.

I usually do that by adding a (debug) call into
org-create-formula-image-with-imagemagick like this:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
    (let ((latex-header (org-create-formula--latex-header)))
      (with-temp-file texfile
        (insert latex-header)
        (insert "\n\\begin{document}\n"
                "\\definecolor{fg}{rgb}{" fg "}\n"
                "\\definecolor{bg}{rgb}{" bg "}\n"
    (org-latex-compile texfile t)
    (debug)                                       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<ADDED THIS
    (if (not (file-exists-p pdffile))
        (progn (message "Failed to create pdf file from %s" texfile) nil)
        (if (featurep 'xemacs)
            (call-process "convert" nil nil nil
                          "-density" "96"
                          "-quality" "100"
                          ;; "-sharpen" "0x1.0"
          (call-process "convert" nil nil nil
                        "-density" dpi
                        "-quality" "100"
                        ;; "-sharpen" "0x1.0"
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I then reload the file (M-x load-file RET /path/to/org.el RET) to pick
up the modified function and proceed normally to export the file. When
the (debug) is executed, I get a debug buffer and I can examine things
like `texfile' and `dpi', using the debugger's `e' command. I then copy
the latex file named by `texfile' to some private directory and run
pdflatex on it and then (using the dpi value the debugger showed me - in
my case, it was "120.0"), I convert to png using the same command as the
function does:

    cp /tmp/orgtex3771B9p.tex foo.tex
    pdflatex foo.tex
    convert -density 120.0 -trim -antialias foo.pdf -quality 100 foo.png

The whole thing is a bit fiddly but not really difficult: it takes more
time to explain than to do.

BTW, if you go this way, don't forget to delete the (debug) afterwards.


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