Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Rainer,
> 2014ko irailak 4an, Rainer M Krug-ek idatzi zuen:
>> Hi
>> I have a question concerning the property :header-args:. In addition
>> to :header-args: there is also :header-args+:.
>> 1) If I set some properties globally and in a subtree I want to *add* a
>> *new* header argument - do I have to use the + or not?
>> 2) If I set some properties globally and in a subtree I want to *change*
>> a *single* header argument which *was set globally* - do I have to use
>> the + or not?
> Are you aware that you can set individual header args as properties?
> Something like (at the file level):
> #+property: session *foo*
> or (at the subtree level):
> :session: *foo*
> :END:
> This will likely be easier than trying to do surgery on the header-args
> property.

Absolutely - but this has been (unfortunately!!!!!!!) be deprecated:

Quoted from the manual [1] :

| [1] The deprecated syntax for default header argument properties, using
| the name of the header argument as a property name directly, evaluates
| the property as seen by the corresponding source block definition. This
| behavior has been kept for backwards compatibility.

I was using this deprecated behavior and I was *very* happy with it, but
I am trying to adjust to the new syntax.

So how can I use the new syntax?



Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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