Achim Gratz <> writes:

> Aaron Ecay writes:
>> Eric Schulte has said <>
>> that the deprecation of this feature is “premature”.  I didn’t realize
>> at the time that the deprecation was also included in the manual rather
>> than just a code comment.  Possibly it should be un-deprecated.
> It shouldn't, owing to a number of essentially un-fixable corner cases
> and its inherent non-scaleability.
>> Certainly I agree that the suggested replacement is less capable.
> Do you have an example of something that it cannot do (modulo the bugs
> and corners of the deprecated syntax)?

I agree with Achim, that the new header-args should be able to do the
same as the old syntax, but I also think that it is more "clunky" and
less easy to grasp how to do things.

And the problem are 

a) the different ways that properties can be set (system wide, file
wide, subtree level, code block - I might have forgotten some),

b) the different levels and

d) the inheritance rules of these levels (I assume inheritance is only
in subtrees and code blocks in the subtree? How do file wide and system
wide properties play here? (7.4. Property Inheritance, I am confused about the
system wide and file wide properties?

I know that this information is likely somewhere in the manual, but this
whole issue of properties (especially when including the +) becomes
rather confusing to me.


> Regards,
> Achim.

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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