Hi Rainer,

2014ko irailak 5an, Rainer M Krug-ek idatzi zuen:
> Absolutely - but this has been (unfortunately!!!!!!!) be deprecated:
> Quoted from the manual [1] :
> ,----
> | [1] The deprecated syntax for default header argument properties, using
> | the name of the header argument as a property name directly, evaluates
> | the property as seen by the corresponding source block definition. This
> | behavior has been kept for backwards compatibility.
> `----
> I was using this deprecated behavior and I was *very* happy with it, but
> I am trying to adjust to the new syntax.
> So how can I use the new syntax?

Eric Schulte has said <http://mid.gmane.org/87wqce0w9n....@gmail.com>
that the deprecation of this feature is “premature”.  I didn’t realize
at the time that the deprecation was also included in the manual rather
than just a code comment.  Possibly it should be un-deprecated.

Certainly I agree that the suggested replacement is less capable.  Sorry
I can’t help more.  Maybe Eric or Achim (who introduced the deprecation)
will comment.

Aaron Ecay

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