
Richard Lawrence <richard.lawre...@berkeley.edu> writes:

> Hi Rasmus and all,
> Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:
>> Richard Lawrence <richard.lawre...@berkeley.edu> writes:
>>> Within a citation, each reference to an individual work needs to be
>>> capable of containing:
>>>   1) a database key that references the cited work
>>>   2) prefix / pre-text
>>>   3) suffix / post-text
>>>   4) references to page/chapter/section/whatever numbers and ranges.
>>>      This is likely part of the prefix or suffix, but might be worth
>>>      parsing separately for localization or link-following behavior.
>>>   5) a way of indicating backend-agnostic formatting properties.
>>>      Examples of some properties users might want to specify are:
>>>      - displaying only some fields (or suppressing some fields) from a
>>>        reference record (e.g., journal, date, author)
>> Would this not be properties of the bibliography and not the citation?
> No, I mean things that can vary from one citation to the next -- like
> what you'd write in LaTeX as
> \citet{Doe99} once thought foo, but in his \citeyear{Doe2014}, he
> revises his position to bar.

Okay, I misunderstood you then.q I though you wanted something like
\AtEveryBibitem (of biblatex) which literally alters fields, e.g.:

>>> Citations as a whole also need:
>>>   6) [@6] a way of indicating formatting properties for specific export
>>>      backends.
>> I think the idea would be /not/ to have to consider specific backends.  If
>> you want special properties (say bold) for HTML could it not be solved by
>> a macro or a filter?  Probably I'm misunderstanding.
> [...]
> use a particular citation command for this citation, or the HTML backend
> to use/add a particular CSS class.  Maybe this could be done with macros
> or filters, but I think that would prove complicated for all but the
> simplest cases, since citations have argument structure that filters
> might not necessarily `see'.

I see.  It's possible via macros.  I don't have strong opinions on this.

>>>   8) a reference to a citation style or style file
>> How does this work outside of LaTeX?
> Well, Pandoc for example processes citations using the citeproc-hs

It seems to use pandoc-citeproc which is based on citeproc-hs.

> implementation of the Citation Style Language, which is an XML format
> that allows describing how citations and bibliographies should be
> formatted.  Thus, for example, you could tell Pandoc to process your
> citations in APA style, or any of the other styles in this repo:
> https://www.zotero.org/styles
> CSL is an XML format, and I shudder to think about implementing it in
> Elisp, but that's how its done.  In fact, Pandoc uses this even for
> LaTeX output, rather than trying to map citations to the various \cite
> commands.

I wonder if Zotero can be used to format such citations.  It can do
something for rtf at least:



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