Fabrice Popineau <fabrice.popin...@supelec.fr> writes:

> On this thread, I will report quite a different user experience.
> I have been a long time user of emacs and Gnus (Emacs since 1987).
> I have been using (ding) Gnus under Windows NT in the late 90's and up
> to about 2010.
> But now, I process my mail using the GMail browser interface.
> The reasons are mostly due to :
> - emacs is slow, chrome displays email more precisely and more quickly
> - emacs is not multi-threaded, hence it may get stuck processing
> stuff. 

Just to add my own off-topic contribution to this thread...

I've found that gnus has sped up a good deal since 2010. I believe there
have been some optimizatons in the code in the last several years. It
takes about 5 seconds to start gnus on my under-powered machine, and
that is with 4 nntp accounts (including rss via gwene.org), 2 email
backends, and far too many groups! :) And this is with a lot of sorting
and mail splitting. E.g., I've configured gnus to sort subscribed groups
automatically by the number of times accessed, with the least read
groups falling to the bottom.

In my own experience (YMMV), I find the speed gain of navigating mail
and news in gnus makes up for the brief lock-ups caused by (re)starting
gnus or accessing a very large nntp group. I particularly appreciate the
ability to insert the text of attachments into the buffer (via docx2txt,
antiword, pdftotext, etc.) and to clip their contents into org-mode.


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